Sign up now and join 2Chill4U

Fill out the forum to join 2Chill4U and your name and E-Mail is required to join.

2Chill4U was made by Tyler and Joey.  Since the other skate group Beast Mode was too big for what they wanted to do, they found a solution. Make their own group for other people to join who feel the same or just want a group so people can teach you one on one without worrying about how many people are in the group.  2Chill4U is trying to get enough members to hold a contest or a random drawing each month and the winner will get a prize if enough people donate money to buy something like trucks, deck, shoes, etc. for the winner, but we need enough money to be donated before we are able to start these contests and we also need enough members who want to participate in these drawings.

A site where only cool people go. Come Join our Skating Group